Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Shipping within Russia

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Pick up your order from the warehouse closest to you or directly from the DELTA factory.

Export of Products

Export of DELTA products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All DELTA products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant DELTA: loggers, hydraulic hammers, suspensions, grabs, hydraulic shears, mulchers, vibro-pullers, mini-crushers, pile cutters, buckets, hydraulic rotators, spare parts
  • Hydraulic hammers DELTA
    Hydraulic hammers
    Delta F-3, F-4, F-35, FX70S, etc.
  • Hydraulic drills, augers, hydraulic rotators DELTA
    Hydraulic drills, augers, hydraulic rotators
    RD 225, CD8, SA4-D50, etc.
  • Concrete mixers DELTA
    Concrete mixers
    BM180 , etc.
  • Buckets DELTA
    BM 15E, BM 25E, BM 35E, etc.
  • Mobile Crushers DELTA
    Mobile Crushers
    R800/R900, etc.
  • Stump Shredders DELTA
    Stump Shredders
    SP 250, SP 350, etc.
  • Attachments DELTA
    TR 900, TR 1200, TR 1500, etc.
  • Utility equipment DELTA
    Utility equipment
    SD 500, FG 1600, etc.
  • Mulchers DELTA
    Mini/SSL, AF/SSL, etc.
  • Milling cutters DELTA
    Milling cutters
    P 350SL, P 400SL, etc.
  • Mini Crushers DELTA
    Mini Crushers
    Red MJC2000, etc.
  • Mobile screens DELTA
    Mobile screens
    RDS512 , etc.


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